COVID19 Update

Dear valued supply chain partner,

You will of course be aware of COVID-19 and the impact it is having on health and business worldwide. The situation is continually changing with government policy developing daily.

We are committed to ensuring a safe workplace for our employees and as such we take this threat very seriously and have issued regular bulletins to staff as we try to understand what the impact might be.

Although to date R. A. Labone have not experienced any disruption in supplies, we have been actively putting in place measures aimed at reducing the impact of COVID-19 on our business and that of our customers, whilst complying with Government advice.

Measures in place include, but are not limited to:

  • Continually reviewing our supply chain to ensure we understand any potential risks.
  • Aiming to keep higher than normal levels of raw material and finished stocks.
  • Maintaining enhanced health and hygiene measures and standards.
  • Providing resources necessary to promote a safe and healthy working environment.
  • Modifying normal working practices to improve “social distancing” within the workplace
  • Enabling home working where appropriate and practical.
  • Restriction of visitors to our site to those considered to be essential for business.
  • Restriction of unnecessary travel.

Over the coming months we will endeavour to maintain “business as usual”, as far as this is reasonably practicable without compromising the health or safety of our workforce, in order to reduce any impact on customers.

Issued by: Chris Young, Managing Director

Issue Date: 19 March 2019

To find out more about R. A. Labone call us on +44 (0)115 944 8800 or

To find out more about our healthcare solutions call us on
+44 (0)115 944 8800 or